Author: team
US Elections are Functions of Money
Leaders of neither political party want to regulate political money or their own stock transactions in any serious fashion.
Thomas Ferguson, Director of Research at the Institute for New Economic Thinking
For realignment to occur, you need a government that really wants to restructure the system, solidify new configurations, and bring forward more radical demands.
Fight the Power
Fight the Power – Public Enemy
insouciance – the state of not being worried about anything
Anthem of the Winners
“πππππππππ, ππ π’ππ ππππ π πππ πππ πππππππ, π’ππ πππ ππ ππ π ππππππ.” ~ πππππ πΌπππππππππ
Rebel Against This Future
Indigenous Peoples’ Day
in honor of the asteroid 2024 PT5 now orbiting the Earth.
two moons, no nations.
If I Had a Rocket Launcher
Censorship is a demonstration of the state’s monopoly on violence. It should be resisted at all times. If something is censored, seek it out and interrogate it.