Category: history
Say Nothing
The past is instructive.
The history of the Irish Republican Army is a case study in interest laden, ineffectual rebellion. This dramatization of The Troubles based on the book by Patrick Radden Keefe is entertaining enough to engage viewers and yet accurate enough to dispel any delusions.
Rebellion is necessary. Wanton violence is not.
Anarchy Is Order
Anarchy is the negation of governments. Governments, whose pupils we are, have naturally found nothing better to devise than to school us in fear and horror of their destruction. But as governments in turn are the negations of individuals or of the people, it is reasonable that the latter, waking up to essential truths, should gradually come to feel a greater horror at its own annihilation than that of its masters.
Anarchist Manifesto – Anselm Bellegarrigue – April 1850
Freedom Is a Necessary Condition
Freedom is a necessary condition to, and the only guarantee of, the proper development of mankind. Nature is most beautiful when unfettered by the artificial interference of man. Wild animals are stronger and more harmoniously developed than their domesticated kind, which the exploiting mind of man makes mere instruments of profit by developing chiefly those parts of them which are of use to him. The same threatens to be the case with the human victims of exploitation, if an end is not put to the system which allows the rich and crafty exploiters to reduce the greater part of mankind to a position resembling that of domestic animals — working machines, only fit to do mechanically a certain kind of work, but becoming intellectually wrecked and ruined.
An Anarchist Manifesto – Max Nettlau – 1st May, 1895